As of Tuesday, 19 November 2024: New Update on The Cyberattack Targetting a Client Establishement of The Softway Medical Group

Our investigations are ongoing in close collaboration with our client.We can therefore confirm that our software is not responsible, but rather, a privileged account within the client’s infrastructure was compromised by an individual who exploited the standard functions of the solution. This hypothesis has been substantiated. It is therefore neither due to improper implementation of… Read more

Serving the Health of Populations, Softway Medical Group and Epiconcept Announce Their Merger

SOFTWAY MEDICALGROUP and EPICONCEPT announce their merger: a strategic complementarity in e-health, data science, and epidemiology to serve the health of populations. A strong complementarity between two leading players The merger between SOFTWAY MEDICAL GROUP and EPICONCEPT will expand their mutual positioning on targeted strategic axes. SOFTWAY MEDICAL GROUP is a recognised leader for its… Read more


SOVEREIGN CLOUD: A MAJOR COMPONENT OF SOFTWAY MEDICAL’S OFFERING FOR OVER 10 YEARS New patient behaviours and practices are accelerating the digital transformation that healthcare institutions have been experiencing for several decades. Digitalisation of patient records is just one step in a more global process where integration, hosting services, and outsourcing are real issues that… Read more